Tuesday, July 21, 2009


1840 North Main St. (North Logan)

About a year ago, I became a member of the "Raise the Bar (RTB) Car Care Club" at Autoplex Auto Repair in North Logan. Sounds pretty fancy, right? You become a member by purchasing a brochure from a door-to-door salesman. The brochure includes 6 Lube, Oil, and Filter service coupons and 9 other free or reduced rate service coupons. You pay a lump sum for the brochure that equals out to a rate significantly reduced from their regular charge, since you are kind of purchasing in bulk. The name of the program, "Raise the Bar Car Care Club," also implies to me a kind of special, elite treatment for being a loyal customer. However, as I have came to find out, that is quite opposite of the truth.

A few months ago, I called to set up an appointment to have my car serviced, using the instructions given in the coupon brochure:
  1. Call for an appointment
  2. Identify yourself as an RTB Car Care Member
  3. Bring this card with you!
Upon identifying myself as an RTB Car Care Member, I was told that all of their appointments were full for almost two weeks. So I scheduled the first appointment available - two weeks out. And when I arrived for that appointment, I was told that I was not on the schedule. They did take my car and perform the service anyway, but it was annoying that I scheduled an appointment two weeks in advance and then I wasn't even scheduled in their system.

I called again on Friday last week to schedule another service appointment. After telling them that I was an RTB Car Care Member, I was told that, because of the 4th of July and the upcoming 24th of July,* a lot of people had booked appointments and I would not be able to get in for almost two weeks. As I set up the appointment and hung up the phone, I wondered what would happen if I weren't a member of the "elite" RTB Care Care Club. So I decided to find out.

On Monday, I called again to schedule an appointment. The person on the phone asked if I was an RTB Car Club member, and I told him I was not. His response?

"I can get you in tomorrow at 2pm or 3pm, what would work best for you?"

I told him I would check my schedule and get back to him, and then hung up.

You would think that a program like the RTB Car Care Club is designed to create loyal and consistent customers. But after seeing how Autoplex treats their loyal "Car Care" members, I certainly will not return. At least, not after my 6 car servicing coupons are used up!

PS I haven't been too impressed with the quality of the servicing either, or the dirtiness left behind in the car after it is complete.

* Pioneer Day - a Utah holiday

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